Which Book to Read Based on Your Favorite Glass Onion Character

Take a moment to inbrethiate these great mystery and thriller reads.

book to read based on your favorite glass onion character
camera-iconPhoto Credit: Netflix

The second film in the Knives Out franchise, Glass Onion is a Netflix exclusive that proved sequels can be better than the original. In this film, Benoit Blanc has returned yet again to solve an impossible mystery. A group of elite and successful friends has been invited to a private Greek island by genius millionaire Miles Bron. Here they'll engage in a detailed murder mystery game—but one of the guests has some ulterior motives.

Glass Onion is a masterpiece of storytelling, but what makes it truly stand out is its eccentric and vivid cast of characters. And if you can't get enough of this hilarious and thrilling movie, then we've got a treat for you! Here are nine books to read based on your favorite Glass Onion character.

Beware! If you haven't seen the film, there are Glass Onion spoilers ahead.

Benoit Blanc

benoit blanc
camera-iconPhoto Credit: Netflix

Benoit Blanc is a southern detective with an unmatched intellect. Though he's always steadfastly focused on his cases, there are still plenty of moments where his big heart shines through. And to the delight of many, Rian Johnson confirmed that Blanc is gay, something that was up for debate with the little glimpse of his private life in this film.

For those of us who can't get enough of Blanc, Murder on Monte Vista is the perfect read to hold us over until the next film. Set in Phoenix, Arizona in 1946, this story unfolds in the home of flamboyant decorator Walter Waverly Wingate. Mason T. Adler is a private detective who tries to do anything but think about how he's just turned 50, and the birthday bash Walter has thrown for him has tossed a wrench into those plans. Walter has also arranged a very special gift for Mason: one private hour in the upstairs bedroom with the handsome and young Henry Bowtrickle.

When Henry turns up dead, all signs point to Mason as the suspect. Now he must sift through the party's guests and figure out who could've carried out a stabbing inside of a locked room.

murder on monte vista

Murder on Monte Vista

By David S. Pederson

Miles Bron

miles bron
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Miles Bron is the not-so-mastermind behind the murders in Glass Onion. That's about the only thing he is behind, though he's taken credit for plenty of breakthrough ideas that have garnered him wealth and celebrity. Unfortunately for him, he could only play at being a genius for so long.

If you loved the twist that Miles was simply full of hot air, then you're going to love The Plot. This thriller follows Jacob Find Bonner, a man whose once-promising writing career has withered away into a teaching job at a third-rate MFA program. He hasn't been able to write anything good in years, let alone get it published. When a student of his, Evan Parker, announces that he's got a perfect book in progress, Jake's cynicism has him ready to dismiss it as youthful arrogance. And then he hears the plot.

Jake withdraws back into the unexceptional slog of his life, gritting his teeth at the thought of Evan's surefire success. But this magnificent novel is never published. When Jake learns that his former student has died, Jake draws a few conclusions. Firstly, Evan probably never finished his book. Secondly, no one would ever know if Jake took the tale on for himself...

Before long, Evan's book idea has turned Jake's entire life around. He's rich and renowned, and sharing his brilliant book around the world. And then one day he receives an email that kicks off a campaign of terror: "You are a thief."

the plot

The Plot

By Jean Hanff Korelitz

Andi/Helen Brand

andi/helen brand
camera-iconPhoto Credit: Netflix

While we see very little of the real Andi and Helen spends much of the film pretending to be her sister, it's clear that both women are strong-willed, determined, and brilliant individuals. Andi is driven by responsibility and dignity, while we see Helen pushing herself to the limits in the name of sisterly love and justice. The captivating switcheroo is the thrilling heart of Glass Onion.

If the twin drama was your favorite part of the film, then The Switch is the next read for you. Melina and Gillian Lloyd are identical twins who spent their youth tricking people by swapping places. It's a silly little thing they haven't done in a long time, but Melina suggests they pay a nod to their old ways so Gillian can take her place as the media escort for NASA astronaut Col. "Chief" Hart. Gillian scoffs at the idea, but she eventually comes around. The next morning, Melina receives news her sister has been brutally murdered.

Chief becomes the number one suspect in Gillian's murder, but he's determined to prove his innocence. Melina is just as keen on finding the truth. The two of them team up to track down the megalomaniac whose violent streak is far from over. But can they escape being the next victims?

the switch

The Switch

By Sandra Brown

Lionel Toussaint

lionel toussaint
camera-iconPhoto Credit: Netflix

Lionel Toussaint is more than just a smooth, captivating voice—he's also a brilliant scientist. His morals aren't always what you'd hope, considering he sold out one of his closest friends for a career boost, but he finds his way eventually. And while he's gathering the strength to publicly speak out against wrongdoing, he's not afraid to let Miles know exactly what he thinks of his irresponsible rollout of Klear.

If the science of it all had you on the edge of your seat, then you'll want to check out Last Night at the Brain Thieves Ball. Psychology professor Paul Galambos is dragging his feet through life, unsatisfied with his work and family life. One day everything changes when a top-secret organization recruits him, giving him the freedom to launch experiments and studies beyond mere lab rats. This could be exactly what he needs to rake in both cash and respect. But this dark conspiracy weighs on his conscience...

Last Night at the Brain Thieves Ball

Last Night at the Brain Thieves Ball

By Scott Spencer

Duke Cody

duke cody
camera-iconPhoto Credit: Netflix

As a person, Duke Cody is pretty hard to like. As a character, he's pretty hard to look away from. Building a brand on hyper-masculinity, Duke is a Twitch and YouTube streamer who has dreams of expanding his career. He's the kind of man who will do anything to get what he wants, including lying, blackmailing, and lending out his girlfriend. It's not so shocking that doesn't turn out great for him.

If you're interested in exploring Duke's influencer angle, pick up Follow Me for your next read. Audrey Miller's whole life is on display for her thousands of Instagram followers, from her fancy new job at the Smithsonian to her Pilates routine. New to Washington, DC, she spends her days trying to wow her new boss, cultivating her fan base, and avoiding her creepy upstairs neighbor. But her relocation may have kicked up even more problems than she knows.

There's someone who has been tapped into her social media presence since her early days on WordPress. But this mysterious stranger is done watching her from a screen. Seeking advice on the dark web, he sets out to make Audrey his at any cost.

follow me kathleen barber

Follow Me

By Kathleen Barber


camera-iconPhoto Credit: Netflix

Though Duke practically treats Whiskey as an extension of himself, there's more to her than meets the eye. She has her own aspirations, and she's not afraid to get her hands dirty to achieve them, even if she has to play by someone else's rules. Overlooked by most as just a hot body, she's smart enough to know how to use that to get what she wants.

Looking to add a pinch of Whiskey's spiciness to your TBR? The Swap is your next gripping read. Low Morrison is far from an average teenage girl. She doesn't seem to fit in anywhere, whether it's with her hippie parents or the rest of her boring hometown. But she can't resist the pull of Freya, a beautiful woman who has left behind a life of social media influencing to purchase the local pottery studio.

Freya is an enchanting woman, as addicted to Low's adoration as Low is to adoring her. To keep the teen hooked, she shares every morsel of her secrets and desires. But that sense of belonging they've cultivated together is tossed out the window the second that Jamie steps foot in the studio.

Jamie and her husband are hoping that their move to the island will help them achieve a healthy pregnancy. Intrigued, Freya quickly strikes up a friendship with the woman as their husband's bond, leaving Low in the dust. One night, boozed up after dinner, Freya suggests the two couples should swap partners. But what starts out as a harmless fling soon turns into an explosive catastrophe at the hands of a manipulative teenager.

the swap

The Swap

By Robyn Harding

Claire Debella

claire debella
camera-iconPhoto Credit: Netflix

Claire Debella is a governor with big dreams of winning a senate seat. She's all too familiar with the dog and pony show of politics, always ready to play the part. Unfortunately, the part gets harder for her to play the more she gets stuck under Miles's thumb.

Are you compelled by the politics that go hand-in-hand with Claire's character? Take a crack at Smoke and Mirrors! When young Erin Hartsock gets to Washington, DC, she has very little interest in politics—but she's got plenty of ambition. When she's offered a position on a congresswoman's Senate campaign, she jumps at the chance to quit her dead-end job.

Erin expects her days to be filled with nothing more than run-of-the-mill administrative work, but as the campaign heats up, a series of dangerous fires, a violent attack, and an alleged accidental death complicates matters. Erin and her colleagues slowly grow suspicious of one another. Someone on the campaign has a secret, and it's up to Erin to figure out who.

Smoke and Mirrors

Smoke and Mirrors

By Elizabeth Peters

Birdie Jay

birdie jay
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Birdie Jay is a former supermodel turned fashion designer whose biggest weakness is her own mouth. Out of touch with just about everything, she's an easy target for Miles's manipulations. With more than a few scandals on her belt, she'd be absolutely lost without her assistant, Peg, to keep her head on straight.

Want an even deeper glimpse into the over-the-top fashion world Birdie Jay glides through? Designer Dirty Laundry is the next great read for you! Samantha Kidd accepts a trend specialist job in her Pennsylvania hometown, hoping it turns her whole life around. When she finds her iconic boss dead in the elevator, she's hardly off to a good start. And when the body vanishes, she can't help but be curious. Once her own name finds its way to the top of the suspect list, she knows she has to stitch together the truth.

designer dirty laundry

Designer Dirty Laundry

By Diane Vallere


camera-iconPhoto Credit: Netflix

Who hasn't had an unruly boss in their lifetime? Peg is a lovable everywoman who has to put out fires for Birdie Jay left and right. She's a smart and capable woman who struggles with her lack of power in a world full of rich and privileged voices.

The Other Black Girl is a captivating thriller that explores power imbalances and workplace tensions for those deemed to be at the bottom of the totem pole. Nella Rogers is a 26-year-old editorial assistant—and the only Black employee at Wagner Books. Bogged down by endless microaggressions, she could jump for joy when Harlem native Hazel is hired. But just as the women start to bond, a series of uncomfortable events crowns Hazel the Office Darling, while Nella is shoved to the side.

And then come the notes. "LEAVE WAGNER. NOW." Could Hazel be the person behind such hostile messages? Nella sinks into obsession trying to sort out the menacing forces hiding in the shadows. But it soon becomes clear that there's more than just her career on the line.

the other black girl beach read

The Other Black Girl

By Zakiya Dalila Harris