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Welcome to your new favorite hideout. We are constantly on the hunt for the best in mystery and thriller media—from books to movies and television shows, to mystery games—and everything in between. Whether it’s forgotten masterpieces from the Golden Age of detective fiction or a heart-pounding new domestic thriller, we’re here to clue you into what’s fantastic to read and watch.

On the hunt for a political thriller? Investigating which British crime show to binge next? Craving a charming cozy to curl up with? Whether you’re into Miss Marple or Sherlock Holmes, Hannibal Lecter or James Bond, we’ve unlocked the mystery for you. All you’ve got to do is peruse the stories below—you’re sure to find a killer lead.


Ellis Peters: Beloved Creator of “Brother Cadfael”

Edith Pargeter (a.k.a. Ellis Peters) once said, "It is probably true that I am not very good at villains. The good interest me so much more."

Nero Wolfe Takes On a Corrupt Organization and High-Profile Murder Case

In the latest Nero Wolfe mystery, the famed detective must wade through old grudges, scorned lovers, and mob bosses to solve the murder of a political reformer.

Amelia Peabody Investigates a Cursed Mummy in The Deeds of the Disturber

Is a human criminal responsible for the strange happenings at the British Museum—or is an ancient curse truly to blame?