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Your favorite hideout for the best in mystery movies.

Every movie has an element of mystery—otherwise it wouldn’t be all that exciting to watch. But for the real puzzle buffs who love to string clues together and connect all the dots, the mystery movie genre is a trove of endless entertainment. While thrillers tend to focus more on tension and action, mystery movies rely heavily on the steady unraveling of plot. Professional detectives or curious amateurs can be at the forefront, but the tale is always anchored to one big, essential question full of high stakes.

Who committed a murder? Where is the priceless painting? How did they vanish without a trace? And, at the heart of all these potential plot hooks, why? Whether you prefer comedic films you can stream immediately, holiday mystery movies to keep you on theme for the year, charming British mysteries to watch with a cup of tea, or gritty cinema to make you think, mystery movies have something to offer everyone.

Here are some great places to start: 

Peruse the stories below for the latest in mystery and thriller movies! 
